Loved Loving Souls and Hearts,
a week we had !
This week was all about being connected to our own Self with the Universe(s) and breathing in and out that connection !
Best way to adjust our DNA known thus far.
Fear is our most known and closest enemy. By accepting fear in our lives, we stop acting upon listening to our intentions received, we doubt what we feel, and we re-think and think and think and think over and over again, we bring forth more confusions to our head, which sends mixed messages to our brains, and mess up the pure intention we originally got coming from our hearts.
This week was all about being connected to our own Self with the Universe(s) and breathing in and out that connection !
Best way to adjust our DNA known thus far.
Fear is our most known and closest enemy. By accepting fear in our lives, we stop acting upon listening to our intentions received, we doubt what we feel, and we re-think and think and think and think over and over again, we bring forth more confusions to our head, which sends mixed messages to our brains, and mess up the pure intention we originally got coming from our hearts.
this week, we got tested ... again !
On 12/12/12, this young man shot in a Shopping Mall in Portland, Oregon - USA, killing 2 and bringing to fears thousands who were in the Mall or who watched news on TV.
On 12/14/12, another young man shot in an Elementary School, shortening lives of innocent children aged 6 and 7, and other adults who love children, working at the School. Since that, the news gave total focus on this tragic event, which brought extreme sadness, then anger, and more fears to millions of people who watched this on TV from all over the World.
On 12/12/12, this young man shot in a Shopping Mall in Portland, Oregon - USA, killing 2 and bringing to fears thousands who were in the Mall or who watched news on TV.
On 12/14/12, another young man shot in an Elementary School, shortening lives of innocent children aged 6 and 7, and other adults who love children, working at the School. Since that, the news gave total focus on this tragic event, which brought extreme sadness, then anger, and more fears to millions of people who watched this on TV from all over the World.
did you do on 12-12-12 ?
personally went to spend that time in one of my
favorite places on earth: The Sacred Cathedral,
created of ancient Palm Trees, near Palm
Springs, California -USA. There was nobody
there. So I was able to spend 12 minutes alone
with these Ancient Beings.
It felt --wonderful --, to say the least !
It felt --wonderful --, to say the least !
Have a very
special 12-21-12 !
For some of you already, you have entered the new era to be starting on December 21, 2012 !
What does it mean ?
It means, if what we know is accurate, that we left almost 26,000 years of a cycle to start a new one.
What changes must we expect ?
This, only the Universe(s) perhaps know. All we can say at this particular time, is that we are leaving the Physical Era for a Spiritual Era. Like i had mentioned in the previous newsletter about 12-12-12, those who are trying as hard as they can, to hold on to the forces of the physical era, will do anything to convince We The People to believe it, or to believe they have to install a new law, for our safety. Because this trick always work ! It's as old as that era... who no longer has forces, unless if we continue ourselves to feed that 'force' by believing in fears.
Many of governments and elites ruling whom have ruled our planet so far, will be tempted to co-create abominable things, saying that it is the fault of someone else, just to bring We The People to believe it. Then after creating a major problem, will come Their Solution, and as we feel helpless, frozen into fears projected to us, we accept and even worship those people. This could happen also, if we keep believing what you are told, instead of believing your own intuitions, your gut feelings.
In this new era, you will have the task of discernment. Who to believe ??? Which prophet to believe ??? If someone looks too good to be true, its usually because it is (LOL). If someone tries to hard to look true, and use words and words and words that make no sense, if not of confusing more people, then you know it may not be what it looks to be. Just use your own discernment. Light is pure, loving. It does not need to convince you. Beware of the false prophets, who are so many !!!
Some people talk about pollution, how we create pollution for Nature, the global warming talk. Maybe, maybe not so much !
It's a cycle ! Years ago, when it was a cycle of warming, then ice age, then warming again, did they have factories, plastic garbage, etc ??? No, they didn't ! Yet the global warming happened still.
Nature can always take care of itself, even if humans living in it do not respect Nature. We change course of events of rivers, for our own interests. And we blame Nature when she decides to take a deep breath. Let's be reasonable for once. Let's be responsible for our own actions. We build nuclear plants right on fault lines, close to shorelines; we change courses of rivers, streams, to facilitate our physical needs, to get it our way, so to speak !
So this new era may bring some climate changes, earth plates to move, Nature to breathe more, and Nature will always finds a way to eliminate the garbage, one way or another. Nature has no brain to bring forth confusions, fears. It just breathes, being connected to the Universe(s). Period !
However, what about our own "mental pollution" (fears, lies taught since thousands of years for better mass control, etc) ?
How will we take care of that matter ? By stopping giving it a 'matter' ! Our thoughts co-create a physical manifestation in our lives, whatever that is, no matter how it manifests itself. So maybe by being aware of the garbage we were taught for thousands of years, by stopping to breathe in that 'matter', we stop giving it more power, then it can fade away easily, like waves of ocean can wash away any physical matter when too close to shore. Does that make any sense to you thus far ?
So the best we can do, is to give thoughts = actions by visualizing a new world, the world we always wanted it to be. A world of Peace, where people act like human beings, and treat each other like human beings, with the heart being the focus of thoughts = actions ! We all are love and light. It is part of us all. However we forgot that. We forgot to love and be loved. We were told for so long, that we are not worthy of anything. If you are born a sinner, how can you feel worthy ?
So one thing is to practice to let go of the 'matter' that is no longer serving us all, especially now that we have the two feet in the New Era !
Continue to tell yourself that you are the Loving Light, because it is the truth of all human beings who breathe with a Heart !
The day we breathe in the same dance and cadence of the Universe, we feel Joy and Loving Light will radiate from all hearts of living beings on this planet.
Happy New Era, Happy transition toward the New Era.
Loving Light,
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