Inspirational blog by Composer Frederic Delarue
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Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Malaysian Airlines 370
Malaysian Airlines 370
This mystery gives an open door to all wild imaginations. However one's imagination could hold the key to the truth. So none are to be considered lightly, to my opinion.
On a FB post dated March 15, I mentioned the plane could have been taken by the Russians, to hold the people on board in hostage, in case the US and Europe decided to go to war against Russia, after the Crimea vote on Sunday March 16.
Also, in internet code, .mh means Marshall Islands, and it has an international airport in the middle of the Pacific. I have always learned that in order to hide something, the best way to hide it is have it in plain sight.
Now, here is my own analysis, a possible scenario, theory, with pure intent to find possibilities to why this airplane is missing, and to avoid another possible catastrophe.
1. Malaysian Airlines Flight 370: This number tells us there are three 7 = 777.
Right now the "0" does not make much sense here, but we will come to that a little bit later. Let's continue.
2. Signification of 777. This could determine a date. Several possibilities:
777= July (7th month of the year); 7 (day), 2014 (2+0+1+4=7): July 7, 2014
777= July (7th month of the year); 16 (1+6=7), 2014 (2+0+1+4=7): July 16, 2014
777= July (7th month of the year); 25 (2+5=7), 2014 (2+0+1+4=7): July 25, 2014.
3. What if it could be July 4, 2014 or even April 7, 2014 ? Let me explain this theory:
According to some sources found on the internet*, it is said that this Boeing 777 was the 404th Boeing 777 to be built. Interestingly enough, and even more intriguing, when you see 404 on the internet, it often appears "404 NOT FOUND ERROR" when your browser cannot find a page that you are looking for. Amazing that this plane can NOT be FOUND. Where is the ERROR ? Is 404 important to this enigma ? Let's continue.
So now we have the numbers 370 (Airline 370), 404 (404th Boeing 777 to have been built), and 777 (Boeing 777.)
So now we have the numbers 370 (Airline 370), 404 (404th Boeing 777 to have been built), and 777 (Boeing 777.)
Let's take the number of the Malaysian Airlines Flight 370:
There is 3 (three) 7 = 777! What about the "0" (used like a missing link, or "key-to-enigma")?
There is 3 (three) 7 = 777! What about the "0" (used like a missing link, or "key-to-enigma")?
The 404: 4 then "0" (missing link, or "key-to-enigma") then 4.
If we replace the (missing link) "0" with a 4, it gives 444, in order to be 'in sync.' with the three 7 of 777.
Which gives the dates of April 4, 2014 and/or July 4, 2014.
If we take in consideration the fact that in our country, dates are stated by month, day, and year, in other countries, such as France for example, dates are stated by day, month, then year.
Let's see how this plays a role in this theory, and let's start with the way it is done in the USA:
747= 7 (month of July) 4 (day) 7 (2+0+1+4=7): July 4, 2014
Now let's take the same number with the way it is stated in Europe (day, month, year) :
747= 7 (day) 4 (month of April) 7 (2+0+1+4=7): April 7, 2014
If we take in consideration the fact that in our country, dates are stated by month, day, and year, in other countries, such as France for example, dates are stated by day, month, then year.
Let's see how this plays a role in this theory, and let's start with the way it is done in the USA:
747= 7 (month of July) 4 (day) 7 (2+0+1+4=7): July 4, 2014
Now let's take the same number with the way it is stated in Europe (day, month, year) :
747= 7 (day) 4 (month of April) 7 (2+0+1+4=7): April 7, 2014
Now we know a terrorist catastrophic event could happen either on:
April 7, 2014 or July 4, 7, 2014 and possibly July 16, or 25, 2014.
But where ? Which airport would then be targeted ?
But where ? Which airport would then be targeted ?
Let's take the same numbers we have since the beginning: 370, 404, and 777.
1st possibility: CDG (Charles-de-Gaulle Airport)
Let's take the very first number of each group.
The 3 of 370, 4 of 404, and 7 of 777.
The 3 of 370, 4 of 404, and 7 of 777.
It gives us 3, 4 and 7. Let's attribute a number to each letter of the alphabet:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, etc
A B C D E F G H I , etc
It gives us 3 (C), 4 (D) and 7 (G). CDG is the airport code for PARIS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, etc
A B C D E F G H I , etc
It gives us 3 (C), 4 (D) and 7 (G). CDG is the airport code for PARIS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.
Knowing that the Eiffel Tower was on the target of those who want to destroy America, since Sept 11, 2001, and as France has been a strong ally to the USA for a very long time, France has definitely the possibility to be the target for retaliation of being a friend of the USA. Destroying the Eiffel Tower would destroy the symbol of France as a country.
2nd possibility: ORD (Chicago O'Hare Airport)
Let's take the 404. Let's replace the "0" with 7 (since we consider the "0" is the missing link, or key-to-enigma", which gives 474.
4 (O) 7 (R) 4 (D): IATA # for the Chicago O'Hare International Airport.
3rd possibility: Why not think that these people could be crazy enough to attempt doing a 'repeat' of Sept 11, 2001.
3rd possibility: Why not think that these people could be crazy enough to attempt doing a 'repeat' of Sept 11, 2001.
Some of you may pull your hair and think that I am way too "creative" or "imaginative" or else.
The point is not to be right or wrong. It is to simply give possibilities and options in order to attempt to resolve the enigma of this plane that can NOT be FOUND, such as 404 indicates.
If this plane has truly been taken by souls who totally forgot where we all come from originally, and who intends to use it as a weapon of mass destruction, and even worse, using the people who may still be on board of this plane, it is better to be prepared, even that means going through lots of speculations, instead of waiting until a horrible event happens.
If this plane has truly been taken by souls who totally forgot where we all come from originally, and who intends to use it as a weapon of mass destruction, and even worse, using the people who may still be on board of this plane, it is better to be prepared, even that means going through lots of speculations, instead of waiting until a horrible event happens.
Don't you think so ?
You may share this, if you feel it is valuable information, or speculation.
Thank you and be blessed.
UPDATE March 21, 2014
While all the planes and ships have been sent to a new possible location of the plane, south west of Australia, this is what happened today: several large earthquakes to the exact location where the plan was lost !? Hmmm... in a time of proper speculation, earthquakes or.. explosives hide a truth for ever !?
Malaysian Airlines Vol 370 (version francaise)
Malaysian Airlines 370
Voici la version française de l'article écrit le 17 mars 2014, afin de trouver pour quelle raison cet avion ne soit pas trouvable, et ce qui pourrait arriver dans le futur proche.
1. Malaysian Airlines Vol 370: Ce numéro nous dit qu'il y a 3 (trois) 7 = 777.
Pour le moment, le "0" n'a pas de sens, mais on y reviendra un peu plus tard.
Pour le moment, le "0" n'a pas de sens, mais on y reviendra un peu plus tard.
2. Signification du 777. Il pourrait déterminer une date. Plusieurs possibilités:
777= 7 (numéro 7), juillet (7e mois de l'année), 2014 (2+0+1+4 = 7) = 7 juillet 2014;
777= 16 (1+6=7), juillet (7e mois de l'année), 2014 (2+0+1+4 = 7); 16 juillet 2014;
777= 25 (2+5=7), juillet (7e mois de l'année), 2014 (2+0+1+4 = 7); 25 juillet 2014.
3. Quoi si la date serait le 7 avril ou le 4 juillet 2014 ? Voici plusieurs explications possibles soutenant cette théorie:
Selon plusieurs sources trouvées sur internet*, il se dit que cet avion, le Boeing 777serait le 404ème Boeing à avoir été construit. Encore plus intéressant, voire même intriguant, est la signification du 404 sur internet. Il apparait en effet, (en tous les cas aux USA), lorsque la page que vous voulez trouver a une erreur, une page apparait disant "404 NOT FOUND ERROR." (404 ERREUR PAS TROUVEE). Eh oui, nous n'avons toujours pas trouvé l'avion ! Je continue.
Donc maintenant nous avons les numéros 370 (Airline 370), 404 (404e Boeing 777 à avoir été construit) et le 777 (Boeing 777).
Donc maintenant nous avons les numéros 370 (Airline 370), 404 (404e Boeing 777 à avoir été construit) et le 777 (Boeing 777).
Prenons le numéro de Malaysian Airlines, le 370:
Il y a (trois) 7 (777), et on a le "0" (indiquant un lien manquant, ou "clé-de-l'énigme")
Il y a (trois) 7 (777), et on a le "0" (indiquant un lien manquant, ou "clé-de-l'énigme")
Le 404: 4, puis "0" (lien manquant, ou "clé-de-l'énigme"), puis 4.
Si on remplace le "0" (l'énigme) par le "4", ca donne 444.
Ce qui donne la date du 7 avril ou 4 juillet 2014.
Si on prend en considération comment les jours sont mis aux USA et
dans la plupart des pays anglo-saxons, on a le "mois", "jour", et
"année". En France, on a le "jour", "mois", et "année".
Prenons le cas anglo-saxon d'abord:
747= 7 (mois de juillet) 4 (jour) 7 (2+0+1+4=7) = 4 juillet 2014
Prenons maintenant le cas francophone avec "jour", "mois", et "année".
747= 7 (jour) 4 (mois d'avril) 7 (2+0+1+4=7) = 7 avril 2014
On se retrouve donc maintenant avec la probabilité qu'un tel évènement catastrophique est prévu pour les dates suivantes:
le 7 avril 2014 ou le 4, 7, 15 ou 25 juillet 2014.
Mais ou ? Quelle serait la ville ciblée ?
Reprenons les mêmes numéros : 370, 404, et 777.
1ème possibilité: CDG (Charles-de-Gaulle)
Prenons le premier numéro de chaque groupe.
Le 3 de 370, le 4 de 404 et le 7 de 777. On attribut un numéro à chaque alphabet.
Exemple: le 1 au A, 2 au B, etc.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ca donne:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ca donne:
3 (C), 4 (D) and 7 (G). CDG est le code de l'aéroport de ROISSY- PARIS CHARLES DE GAULLE. On sait que la Tour Eiffel Tower faisait partie des cibles de terrorisme, surtout après le 11 septembre 2001. Et comme la France a, depuis de longues dates, été un pays ami des USA, le plan de destruction de la Tour Eiffel serait le symbole idéale pour détruire le symbole de la France, comme une rétaliation pour être ami avec les USA.
2ème possibilité: ORD (Chicago O'Hare)
Prenons la possibilité du 404. On remplace le "0" par 7, (si on considère le "0" comme étant la clé du chaineau manquant), ce qui donne 474.
4 (O) 7 (R) 4 (D). ORD étant le symbole de l'aéroport de Chicago.
3ème possibilité: Sans aucun autre sens, pourquoi ne pourrait on pas imaginer que ces gens la ne pourraient pas retenter le coup du 11 septembre 2001.
3ème possibilité: Sans aucun autre sens, pourquoi ne pourrait on pas imaginer que ces gens la ne pourraient pas retenter le coup du 11 septembre 2001.
Certains d'entre vous vont certainement trouver ca, tiré par les cheveux et/ou penser que je suis un peu trop créatif, imaginatif a l'extrême, et je respecte les pensées de chacune et chacun d'entre vous.
Le but n'est pas d'avoir tort ou raison, d'être extrême ou avant-garde. mais simplement de donner des suppositions, des options, des possibilités pour tenter de donner un sens à l'énigme d'un avion Boeing 777 dont on a perdu la trace. Si cet avion a réellement été enlevé, afin de servir de destruction de masse, il vaut mieux se préparer et tenter de trouver l'énigme, le lien manquant à cette histoire, au lieu d'attendre que quelque chose de catastrophique arrive.
Ne pensez-vous pas ?
Vous pouvez partager ceci, si vous ressentez que ca peut etre utile.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
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